108!!!! Thank you so much for your classes and strategies.
Thanks to you I reached 98 on my TOEFL exam and I was accepted at Fordham Law School!
Sincerely, to study with you two was a unique experience. I'm so glad and thankful and I mean it. I think TS was fundamental for me to achieve my score on TOEFlL for the following reasons.
First of all, you know exactly how teach TOEFL, which is not easy as people might think it is.
Second of all, TS was the only course that offered me all the tools I needed to improve my skills. For example, STUDYING IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER IN YOUR CLASSES; having someone correcting my essays and speaking right away; giving feedbacks by the internet and also providing a lot of materials made all the difference.
Finally, I must say that the atmosphere that you built is so great that helped me being less stressed during this period; kept me motivated to go to classes and more confident on my exam, NO DOUBT about it.
I think I can't emphasize enough.
I will keep you posted about my future master and my career.
I would love to celebrate with you soon!!!
All the best,